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The Houses and Planets/Planetary Bodies in Astrology

Houses are numeric placements of the astrological or zodiacal wheel or chart from numbers 1 to 12 or I to XII and are placed on the inner circle directly underneath the Astrological or Zodiac Signs that represent the sky overhead or as above. The houses represent human life or what is below. These two interacting circular models are guides toward what becomes an astrological forecast. There are what may be called individual houses for individual, natal presentation or general houses for broader scopes of presentation. In astrology within a house, there may be a planetary body or planetary bodies on the wheel or chart shown as glyphs/symbols. Due to visibility of the traditional celestial bodies being seen with the bare eye in which are the Sun/a star, the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, they appear as star-type figures with movement relative to stars and were given the term wandering stars by the Ancients because the planets/planetary bodies display continuous activity.

The Houses, Planets/Planetary Bodies and Astrological or Zodiac Sign Associations

First House- Is associated to awareness of self, personality, individual interest and energetic focus.

Planet- Mars

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Aries

Second House- Is associated to currency, possessions, movable assets and resources.

Planet- Venus

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Taurus

Third House- Is associated to siblings. The third house is also connected to relatives that aren't immediate family, such as, aunts and cousins... It is relational to acquaintances and neighbors. It's also associated with brief commutes or travel, all forms of communication and close environmental encounters.

Planet- Mercury

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Gemini

Fourth House- Is associated to parents, family, homes or havens and realty.

The Moon, a luminary

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Cancer

Fifth House- Is associated to creativeness, love, lovers, enjoyment, entertainment and traditionally, children.

The Sun, a luminary

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Leo

Sixth House- Is associated to efficiency, concentration of healthfulness, work environments and the efficiency of work.

Planet- Mercury

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Virgo

Seventh House- Is associated to marriage, romantic or business partners, opponents, any personable interactions and traditionally, disclosed enemies.

Planet- Venus

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Libra

Eighth House- Is associated to the resources of others, receiving of resources or currency, lending or giving of resources or currency, investments, inheritance, influential desire, impending situations and traditionally, known as the house of death.

Planet- Pluto and Mars, Traditionally

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Scorpio

Ninth House- Is associated to distant or foreign experiences and travels, afar places, cultural or exotic interactions outside of an individuals likely experiences, philosophy, expansion of knowledge, societal laws, religion and traditionally, relational to higher education.

Planet- Jupiter

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Sagittarius

Tenth House- Is associated to the becoming of or to become, career, professions, chiefs, heads, directors, administrators, management and societal status.

Planet- Saturn

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Capricorn

Eleventh House- Is associated to friendship in general, yet more favorable or ideal are long-standing friendships and networks sharing commonalities, mutual supportiveness, associative groups or societies and social activeness.

Planet- Uranus and Saturn, Traditionally

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Aquarius

Twelfth House- Is associated to all that is hidden, the subconscious and traditionally, associated with monasteries, hospitals, confinement facilities, places with the function of concealment, concealed enemies, lingering illness and the probability of self-negation.

Planet- Neptune and Jupiter, Traditionally

Astrological or Zodiac Sign Association- Pisces

Planets/Planetary Bodies and Their Traditional Associations

In traditional astrology the energetic influence of planets/planetary bodies, yet note this may be shifted, given other factors:

Jupiter- A benefic planet and is the greater benefic, meaning favorable.

Venus- A benefic planet and is the lesser benefic, meaning favorable.

Saturn- A malefic planet and is the greater malefic, meaning unfavorable.

Mars- A malefic planet and is the lesser malefic, meaning unfavorable.

Mercury- Is energetically mutable and may sometimes be benefic, favorable or malefic, unfavorable.

The Sun and Moon are the celestial luminaries and illuminate the house in which they are present and the area of life relational to the house.

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