Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Mesha or Aries
Symbol: Ram
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 0 to 30 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Vrishabha or Taurus
Symbol: Bull
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 30 to 60 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Mithuna or Gemini
Symbol: The Twins
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 60 to 90 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Karkata or Cancer
Symbol: Crab
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 90 to 120 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Simha or Leo
Symbol: Lion
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 120 to 150 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Kanya or Virgo
Symbol: Maiden (Virgin)
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 150 to 180 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Thula or Libra
Symbol: Balance Scales
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 180 to 210 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Vrischika or Scorpio
Symbol: Scorpion
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 210 to 240 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Dhanus or Sagittarius
Symbol: Bow (The Archer)
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 240 to 270 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Makara or Capricorn
Symbol: Crocodile (Sea Goat)
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 270 to 300 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Kumbha or Aquarius
Symbol: The Water Bearer
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 300 to 330 degrees
Astrological (Zodiac) Sign: Meena or Pisces
Symbol: The Two Fish
Zodiacal Degrees (extent of displaying traits in the zodiac): 330 to 360 degrees
An individual's Jyotish (Vedic), Sidereal Astrological (Zodiac) Sign may differ from their Western, Tropical Astrological (Zodiac) Sign due to system designs, Astrology Resource.
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