Decans are subdivisions of the astrological (zodiac) signs that are believed to offer more insight into each sign's initial descriptors or traits. Meaning, decans provide a more in-depth look at an astrological (zodiac) sign. Decans are designated in triplicities of 10 degrees, subdivisions. There are planetary influencers or as some may refer to rulers of each decan. In astrology, there are three air signs, and below are their listed decans and planetary influencers/influencers. If you like, try a fun activity to discover any connectivity with your astrological (zodiac) sign and its decan. The astrology resource may be of guidance or apply independent research. Here's a resource about decans you may find contributory as well, Astro Dienst. Depending on the writer or practitioner's preference, you may find that decans are listed as 0-10 degrees, 10-20 degrees, and 20-30 degrees as well, decan resource. At Integrative Studies and Arts, you will usually view decans listed as the prior statement, simply because it appears more readable, especially to beginners.
Gemini of the 1st Decan: This is the initial entrance of the astrological sign of Gemini, 0 to 10 degrees or 0 to 9 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Mercury/Gemini.
Gemini of the 2nd Decan: This is the second portion of the astrological sign of Gemini, 10 to 20 degrees or 10 to 19 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Venus/Libra.
Gemini of the 3rd Decan: This is the last division of the astrological sign of Gemini, 20 to 30 degrees or 20 to 29 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Uranus/Aquarius and traditionally, Saturn/Aquarius. In contemporary, western/tropical astrology, Saturn is more widely associated with the astrological (zodiac) sign Capricorn.
Libra of the 1st Decan: This is the initial entrance of the astrological sign of Libra, 0 to 10 degrees or 0 to 9 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Venus/Libra.
Libra of the 2nd Decan: This is the second portion of the astrological sign of Libra, 10 to 20 degrees or 10 to 19 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Uranus/Aquarius and traditionally, Saturn/Aquarius. In contemporary, western/tropical astrology, Saturn is more widely associated with the astrological (zodiac) sign Capricorn.
Libra of the 3rd Decan: This is the last division of the astrological sign of Libra, 20 to 30 degrees or 20 to 29 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Mercury/Gemini.
Aquarius of the 1st Decan: This is the initial entrance of the astrological sign of Aquarius, 0 to 10 degrees or 0 to 9 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Uranus/Aquarius and traditionally, Saturn/Aquarius. In contemporary, western/tropical astrology, Saturn is more widely associated with the astrological (zodiac) sign Capricorn.
Aquarius of the 2nd Decan: This is the second portion of the astrological sign of Aquarius, 10 to 20 degrees or 10 to 19 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Mercury/Gemini.
Aquarius of the 3rd Decan: This is the last division of the astrological sign of Aquarius, 20 to 30 degrees or 20 to 29 degrees. The planetary influencer of this decan is Venus/Libra.
This information is provided for general informational purposes and is not a substitute or definitive to replace physicians' care.
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